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Dan's Story

God doesn't promise an easy life. There will be illness, pain, and suffering. God does promise to always be with us and to give us strength to face life's adversities. He will cause good to come out of the bad things that happen.

Dan Wold had a sense of humor and an energy for life that everyone around him enjoyed. As a counselor and coach, he touched the lives of young people in Ellendale, Carrington and Aberdeen. He gave students tools to pursue their dreams and made extra time for those who needed special role models. In 2016, Dan was diagnosed with laryngeal chondrosarcoma, a cancer in his thyroid, throat and larynx, despite being a non-smoker. Subsequent surgeries required him to learn to talk and breath in a new way. Dan faced these challenges with strength, grace and dignity. On August 16, 2018 we lost an amazing man who inspired so many.

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Daniel Wold
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Our Philanthropic Focus

We strive to improve the lives of those in our community with special needs and to empower the next generation of educators through financial scholarships.

If you, or a loved one, has been impacted by Dan, or you share his vision, please consider a financial contribution that allows Dan's legacy to live on. Dan was committed to making a difference in student's lives - academically, athletically and personally. Donations make it possible for Dan to continue positively influencing future educators and those with special needs.

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Dan's Causes

The mission of the Daniel A. Wold foundation is to reflect God's glory by helping others. As an educator, counselor, and coach, Dan made connections with young people to help them succeed in life. He strived to live by 1 Corinthians 10:31 - Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

NSU Scholarship

Northern State Scholarship

Dan his wife, Cheryl, and his daughter, Julia, are proud Northern State University alumni. The annual scholarship to NSU will help a student take the step to build their future in education.

Dan Wold Headshot

Special Needs Projects

As a counselor, those with special needs were always close to Dan's heart. Through targeted initiatives, big and small, we will work to improve the lives of those with disabilities in our community.


Throughout his life, Dan called many places home. He had a strong need for affiliation and faithfully followed the activities of each community throughout his life.

Summer, lying on the grass with a smiling dog nearby. Clouds float by, as do the moments of serenity. The cancer inside me has no power over moments like this.
Victory comes to me in small doses, as do feelings of hope and fear. Death has no power over me, not now, and not when I pass.
- Daniel Wold, 2016 -


Dan was a talented writer and spent many years writing a column for a local newspaper. He was working on compiling his articles into a book. Read some of Dan's articles as well as words from others who were impacted by Dan.

2023 Foundation Walk and Silent Auction

The Daniel Wold Foundation Silent Auction and Walk will be held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Sunday, August 6th from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend! Order your 2023 Daniel Wold Foundation T-Shirts Here! Schedule of Events 4:30-5:00 p.m. Registration and Bidding opens for the Silent Auction in the Fellowship Hall During this […]

2023 Daniel Wold Foundation Scholarship Winner

Congratulations to the 2023 winner of the Daniel Wold Foundation Scholarship, Peyton Melius! Melius graduated from Faulkton High School in 2021 and is currently an Elementary and Special Education double major at Northern State University. The following is an excerpt from her essay: In some sense, as I look back, it almost seems ridiculous that […]

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Scholarship Winners

Many outstanding young adults apply for the Daniel Wold Foundation Scholarship each year and we receive a number of exceptional essays, but these essay excerpts from previous scholarship winners showcase what the Foundation is looking for in future scholarship recipients.

(Click and drag to view past winners)

Ally Cunningham

2024 - Ally Cunningham

"Life can often present us with instances of uncertainty, change, and challenges that push us outside our comfort zones. One significant challenge in my life lately has been dealing with the loss of a young boy I had the privilege of babysitting for many years…Kayden was diagnosed with T-cell leukemia and lost his strong and courageous cancer battle in October of 2022. I can confidently say this has been the most difficult experience of my life; however I am working hard every day to overcome this challenge by Living Like Kayden."

2023 - Peyton Melius

"In some sense, as I look back, it almost seems ridiculous that I was irritated by my doctors’ orders. I was so angry and felt like I was being targeted after helping make the decision to fix my heart, I was frustrated with my parents, wanted my teachers and coaches to ignore my limitations, and wanted my classmates and teammates to include me in all that they were doing. Looking at the bigger picture, I now understand that these limitations were for my overall benefit and physical health. Maturing and becoming more aware of the daily battles that others face has made me realize how small this setback was for me."

Brittany Delzer 2022

2022 - Brittany Delzer

The biggest challenge I have had to face in my life began on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. On this night, my brother was killed in a car accident. I remember that night like it just happened yesterday. There is nothing that can ever prepare a person for that kind of a life challenge. I do not think anyone really thinks about tragedy until they are faced with the life changing news. We tend to take life for granted, thinking our loved ones will always be there because I know I did with my brother...From that day forward, I knew I wanted to live my life changed because of him. He always put others before himself, was eager to serve, and was kind hearted to everyone around him. Instead of sitting in sorrow and feeling bad for what I lost, I strive to display those same qualities he had.

Taylor Krege 2021

2021 - Taylor Krege

"Have you ever been asked a question that you thought you wouldn’t ever be asked? Moving schools was something that I never would have imagined happening…Sometimes change is the one thing you need in order to be happy, even if it means leaving someone behind that you care about."

Skyler Muilenberg 2020

2020 - Skyler Muilenberg

"I can barely remember a time when I felt 100% healthy, but something that has helped me overcome this struggle is staying positive. Even through the surgeries, doctors' visits, and pain my medical issues have caused, I am still able to stay positive through it all. Having a good attitude and a smile on your face can change your day in unimaginable ways."

2019 - Jake Copenhaver

"What I envision “The Best Teacher” to be is one who the student feels safe around, and know that they can trust me. I also want the students to know that we can have fun in my classroom as long as we can get our work done at the same time. Mr. Wold was influential as a counselor/coach to me because he was the first coach to actually push me. If I slacked off during practice, he would let me know that I can be better than what I was giving at that moment. I feel like he was the first coach/person that recognized my potential as a football player and a person."

Living Like Dan

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The Drive
Of an Advocate
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The Heart
Of a Counselor
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The Passion
Of a Coach
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The Intuition
Of a Listener


If you have questions about the mission of the Daniel A. Wold foundation or would like to learn more about how you can get involved, please contact us.

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Foundation Board of Directors

Thank you for your interest in the Daniel A. Wold Foundation. As our husband and father, we know what a wonderful man Dan was and love to hear stories from people who were also blessed to know him.

  • Cheryl Wold, President
  • Julia Wold, Vice President
  • Jordan Wold, Secretary
  • Pamela Merkel, Treasurer
  • Deborah Utecht, Auditor
  • Bruce Wold, Board Member